3.1 LMS Portal
WHY: This section assists the mentors and coaches to view the employees assigned to them, add new comments, setup the coaching plans and do a coaching assessment. The employees can view their comments and coaching plans.
WHERE: On the LMS Portal, click Mentors and Coaches
3.2 Mentor/Coach View
- On the LMS Portal, the Mentors & Coaches will be available only for the employee that is setup to be a Mentor or Coach.
- When clicking on the comments or goals links, either the comments or the goals pages will open - depending on the link you choose.
When viewing actions, you can add aA new comment can be added orviewan existingcomments,commentgoviewedtowhencoaching plans as well as toselecting thenewcommentsand previous coaching assessments (how to add an assessment to the system will be explained later in the document).link.