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System and Master Data Overview for Job Profiler

The diagram below provides a quick reference of the different data types.  A description of each data type follows the diagram.

System Data

The Job Profiler module is pre-configured with a few sets of data that do not change often.  Changes to these sets can only be made by the developers.

Optional System Data

If the optional system data is not provided the system will still function correctly.

Dynamic Libraries

As users participate in creating job profiles, a library is created from their entries.  The library is therefore a summary of all previously entered values and is available to the user for re-use. A company can however opt to pre-populate the libraries with or without the option for users to add to the library.

Master Data

The Job Profiler module cannot function properly without this information.  A company must provide the master data in the correct format for population before the system is installed.  A set of master data templates is available.

Master Data Requirements

In order to properly configure the job profiler module, the following data is used.  The records marked REQUIRED are the minimum that should be provided by the company.

Master Data
CompilersOptionalA list of people who are responsible for job profile creation in a company.
Profile StatusSystem RequiredA list of statuses a profile goes through from being created to being finalised e.g. Draft, Finalised etc.
Company ValuesOptionalA list of company values.  These will automatically become part of every job profile and are also pulled through when a performance contract is created for an employee.
Job FamilyOptionalIt is sometimes needed to group job profiles with potentially different titles into a job family.  Provide here a list of these families.  The linking takes place on a profile’s Job Profile screen.
Position FamilyOptionalIt is sometimes needed to group positions with potentially different titles into a position family.  Provided here a list of these families.  The linking takes place on a position’s Position Profile screen.
Work LevelsOptionalKept for legacy purposes.
Level of Work MatrixOptionalKept for legacy purposes.
Competency CategoriesLibraryA list of categories which will be used to categorise competencies when they are added.  Examples are Abilities, Attitudes, Drives,Emotions etc.
Competency GroupsLibraryA list of groups which willbe used to group competencies when they are added. Examples are Cognition,Communication, Interaction with Others, Personal Effectiveness etc.
Competency LevelsRequiredThe levels (e.g. expert)that will be used to indicate the desired level of a competency.
Competency ListLibraryThe title and description of standardised competencies. If not pre-populated ensure that the setting Competencies under Library Adding is set to YES to allow the users to add their own competencies.
Competency MatrixLibraryLink a grading scale (e.g.Paterson A1) to a competency (e.g. Attention to Detail) and indicate the level(e.g. 1-4) at which a person on this grading scale should be able to perform.
Proficiency MatrixLibraryLink one or all gradingscales (e.g. Paterson A1) to a competency (e.g. Attention to Detail) andindicate the level (e.g. 1-4) at which a person on this grading scale should beable to perform.  Then, edit eachcompetency level and either provide a summary of the proficiencies required orload the proficiencies one by one.  If a summary is loaded, only an overall rating is possible on the employee’s performance contract; if loaded one by one, individual ratings are possible.
Accreditation &RegistrationLibraryA list of all relevant accreditation and registration authorities. If not pre-populated ensure that the setting Accreditation & Registration under Library Adding is set to YES to allow the users to add their own accreditations and registrations.
Legal AppointmentsLibraryA list of all possible company required “legal” appointments. This list could include entries like licenses, permits etc. If not pre-populated ensure that the setting Legal Appointments under Library Adding is set to YES to allow the users to add their own legal appointments.
MembershipsLibraryA list of all memberships that could form part of a job profile. If not pre-populated ensure that the setting Memberships under Library Adding is set to YES to allow the users to add their own memberships.
Knowledge of Relevant LegislationLibraryA list of legislation that a job applicant/incumbent should have knowledge off.
Package TypesRequiredA list of salary package types e.g. Package, Non-Package etc. This list is also used when setting up the grading scales.
Grading TypesRequiredA list grading types e.g.Paterson, Hay, Peromnes etc.  This list is also used when setting up the grading scales.
Grading ScalesRequiredSpecify the different subdivisions/scales (e.g. A1, A2, A3) in each grading type (e.g. Paterson) by making use of the package and grading types.
Occupational CategoriesSystem RequiredThe standard SETA occupational categories e.g. top management, senior management etc.
Occupational LevelsSystem RequiredThe standard SETA occupational levels e.g. professionals, clerks etc.
OFO Codes The official Organising Framework of Occupations codes as defined by the South African Education and Training Authority (SETA).
QualificationsLibraryA standardised list of qualifications.  If not pre-populated ensure that the setting Qualifications under Library Adding is set to YES to allow the users to add their own qualifications.
NQF LevelsSystem RequiredThe list of standard NQF levels.
Business ProcessesLibraryList the business processes that form part of or define jobs.
Driving LicencesLibraryList of official driving licence codes and descriptions.
ProgrammesLibraryA skills programme to which site specific subjects/standards can be added.
StandardsLibraryA module or practical subject used to define a skills programme. A government defined module is called a “unit standard”.  A site specific module added by a company is called a standard.  In this document reference is made to “standards” to include both.
LicencesLibraryLicenses that are position specific, with the aim at organisations that require strict management of licenses in terms of government legislation.
ImportanceSystem RequiredIndicate the relative importance of various records in the system e.g. qualifications, legal appointments, memberships, etc.
InvolvementSystem RequiredThe type of responsibility a person could typically have in different positions.
Note StatusSystem RequiredPending or Completed.
ExperienceLibraryA library of possible job experience in terms of responsibility, years of experience and relative importance.
Knowledge and SkillsLibraryA library of possible job knowledge and skills and their relative importance.
Personal AttributesLibraryA library of personal attributes desired for jobs.
Access Rights CategoryLibraryA list of access rights categories (e.g. Computer Systems) into which specific access rights can be placed e.g. read/write rights etc.
Access Rights Responsible EmployeeLibraryThe people listed here will all receive emails when an employee is either:
  • Appointed - in order to issue his access rights.
  • Terminated - in order to revoke his access rights.

System Settings

The table of available settings below are used to even further customise the system for a company.  Familiarise yourself with the settings in order to make the most appropriate decision.

Enable Output Standards On OutputsShow output standards in addition to success indicators on the output detail form.
Enable Configuration Of Positions Per ProfileThis allows the system to not only compile a job profile but also to add “child” positions underneath the profile.
Grading Type Used By Competency MatrixIn the System Administration section the selected grading type will form the basis for the competency matrix.
Grading Scale Experience Measure ItemSpecify the grading scale that will be used to display a help guideline in terms of years’ experience on the Experience form.
Allow Position Level Add While InheritingWhen ticked, this setting allows you to add position-specific information in addition to the information inherited from the profile. (e.g. inherit the job profile’s major challenges but you can also add position-specific challenges)
Allow Inheritance Link RemovalWhen ticked, this setting places a check box (called “Inherit from Profile”) on all position related forms.  You then have the following two options:
  • Keep the tick-mark to automatically display the profile’s information IN ADDITION to the position-specific information.  You cannot change the inherited information.
  • Remove the tick-mark to enable you to make changes to the information inherited from the profile. You will still be able to add position-specific information as well. Just note that changes now made to the job profile will NOT reflect on the position because the two have been de-linked.
Job Intent
Show Job PurposeWhen ticked this setting will display a PURPOSE field at the top of the Job Intent page.

Library Adding
QualificationsAllow users to add their own qualifications to the existing library of qualifications.
Accreditation & RegistrationAllow users to add their own accreditations and registrations to the existing library of accreditations and registrations.
Legal AppointmentsAllow users to add their own legal appointments to the existing library of legal appointments.
MembershipAllow users to add their own memberships to the existing library of memberships.
CompetenciesAllow users to add their own competencies to the existing library of competencies.

Library Competencies
Show Competency GroupShow or hide the fields on the administration competency list form.
Show Competency Category
Show Competency Level
Show Competency NQF Level
Show Competency Content Block
Show Competency Criteria Block
Show Competency Context Block
Profile Competencies
Show ImportanceShow or hide the fields on the profile competency detail form.
Show Competency Group
Show Competency Category
Show Competency Level
Show Competency NQF Level
Show Competency Content Block
Show Competency Criteria Block
Show Competency Context Block
Requirements Profile DefinitionProvide the definition that will be displayed on the requirements profile form.
Competency DefinitionProvide the definition that will be displayed by the help button on the competency list form.
Professional Status DefinitionProvide the definition that will be displayed on the professional status form.

Setting up a Key Competency Library in the Job Profiler Module

Key competencies and their defining proficiencies form part of a job’s profile as compiled in the Job Profiler module.  In Job Profiler, a number of characteristics are used to profile or describe a job and subsequently also the positions derived from it.  A key competency is one of those characteristics.

When adding key competencies to your performance contract, the competencies are read from the library maintained in the Job Profiler module.  

The following steps are needed to configure and build up the libraries. Screen examples are shown below.

  1. Specify Competency Categories e.g. Adaptabilty, Delivery, Influence, Thought etc.
  2. Specify Competency Groups e.g. Cognition, Communication, Interaction with Others, Personal Effectiveness etc.
  3. Specify Competency Levels e.g. Expert
  4. Load Competencies

Two steps are needed to ensure that the competencies are available for selection:

Step 1:

From the Competencies item under Library Administration, select the Proficiency Matrix item.

Add the competency for which proficiencies are to be specified.

Step 2:

Specify the Proficiencies per Competency. A competency can have proficiencies applicable to a number of levels.  

For each competency, work through all the levels in order to specify the proficiencies.

Before proceeding to populate the list of proficiencies a very important question now needs answering with regards to the rating of proficiencies on an employee’s performance agreement:

  1. For a competency, is the goal to rate its proficiencies as one combined entity?
  2. Or is the goal to rate a competency’s proficiencies as separate entities, each having its own rating.

The answer to these questions would determine which section below would be used to populate the list of proficiencies.

Rate Proficiencies as One Entity

If a competency’s proficiencies will be rated as one entity, only one proficiency should be added to the proficiency list.

In the example below, the Description field contains a combined proficiency for the competency under discussion.

To create a proficiency list from this Description field, add a blank Proficiency and copy the Description field to the proficiency.

  • Select ADD to create the blank Proficiency record.
  • Copy the Description field’s contents to the new proficiency record and select SAVE.

When this competency is pulled into an employee’s performance management agreement, only one combined proficiency record will show, therefore allowing only one overall rating for the competency.

Rate Proficiencies as Separate Entities

If a competency’s proficiencies will be rated separately, separate proficiencies should be added to the proficiency list.

In the example below, the Description field contains a combined proficiency for the competency under discussion.

To create a proficiency list from this Description field, add a blank Proficiency and then copy each individual proficiency from the Description field to its new proficiency record.

  • Select ADD to create the blank Proficiency record.
  • Copy the first proficiency from the Description field’s contents to the new proficiency record and select SAVE.
  • Do this for every proficiency. The final proficiency list is shown below.

Note that the individual records are still combined into a Description field.

When this competency is pulled into an employee’s performance management agreement, multiple proficiency records will show for this competency, therefore allowing one rating for each proficiency.

The next step before a competency will be visible against an employee’s position and therefore in the employee’s performance agreement is to link the competency to the employee’s job profile.

  • Locate the appropriate job profile in the Job Profiler module.
  • Select to open the profile.
  • From the Job Profiler’s side menu, locate and select Competencies.
  • Either add new competencies directly to the profile Add new Competencies or link competencies from the Competency Library by clicking Link Competencies

Setting up Values and Behaviours Library in the Job Profiler Module

Values and Behaviours form part of a job’s profile as compiled in the Job Profiler module.  In Job Profiler, a number of characteristics are used to profile or describe a job and subsequently also the positions derived from it.  Values and Behaviours is one of those characteristics.

When adding Values and Behaviours to your performance contract, the Values and Behaviours are read from the library maintained in the Job Profiler module.

  • Open the Job Profiler module.
  • Open its Administration menu.
  • Expand the Settings menu item and locate the Company Values List.
  • Add appropriate values and corresponding behaviours.

Building the "Knowledge of Relevant Legislation" Library

This library is used when selecting values for the Knowledge of Relevant Legislation that forms part of a job’s Professional Status.

  • Open the Job Profiler module.
  • Select Administration | Library Administration| Professional Status | Knowledge of Relevant Legislation from the side menu bar.

Changing the Report Logo

The Job Profiler module is issued with standard job profile and position reports.  If the logo needs to be replaced it can be done as follows.

  • Open the Administration section and navigate to the Company Logos item to display the following screen.
  • Tick the check box Upload a Company Logo to expand a section where a new logo can be uploaded.