Getting Started
In this Section:
- Introduction to the Organisation structure Module
- Target Audience
- Prerequisites
- Other Considerations
Introduction to the Organisation Structure Module
The Organisation Structure module allows a user to define and build the hierarchical structure for a company. In addition to this a user can also continue and link individual employees or positions to nodes on the organisation structure.
How the different nodes on the organisation structure are called is fully customisable.
Target Audience
A company’s organisation structure serves as the starting point for many system transactions and reports. Utmost care must therefore be taken to ensure correctness. In light of this only system administrators will be granted access to the module.
- Excellent organisation knowledge or an approved organisation structure
- Successful completion of the following Signify HR training modules
- Logging into the Signify HR system and basic navigation
- Appropriately configured master data for the Organisation Structure module. See SECTION 2
Other Considerations
Building even a medium sized company’s organisation structure one node at a time could be a daunting task. Therefore carefully consider the following pointers:
- Properly design the organisation structure and have it approved before attempting to build it into the system.Other modules in Signify HR rely heavily on this structure to order reports by, identify employees with etc. Make absolutely sure what is to be achieved with the structure before designing it. The modules most affected are:
- Other modules in Signify HR rely heavily on this structure to order reports by, identify employees with etc. Make absolutely sure what is to be achieved with the structure before designing it. The modules most affected are:
- Manage Employee
- Job Profiler
- Reports
- In order to ease the task of building and manipulating an organisation structure one node at a time, Signify Software has made a template available in which the organisation structure can be built and modified and then imported. Refer to the import templates for more information.