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Roles and Responsibilities

The performance management module is utilised by three primary role players.  See below for a breakdown of their responsibilities.



  • Create own performance contract
  • Use a library contract template (with KPA content) from which to create own review period
  • Decision: Expected to rate KPI’s and submit per period (employee’s score)
  • Submit final score for the agreement
  • Submit final score for the contract


Performance Manager

  • Allowed to co-create employee contracts from scratch or using templates
  • Approve review period content
  • Rate employee KPI’s per review period (manager’s score)
  • Decision: Revise employee KPI’s
  • Provide and approve final KPI score per review period
  • Revise and approve final score for the agreement
  • Revise and approve final score for the contract


Performance Management Administrator

  • Do all of the above, impersonating either the user or his manager
  • Manage the master data
  • Do score moderation, either high level or at detail level
  • Reporting