5% The Performance Management Dashboard - Functionalities and Layout
In previous pages we discussed some of the functionalities available to employees and managers but we focused specifically on creating a new performance contract.
On this page we will highlight a few additional functionalities and the general layout of the dashboard screen. In our discussion we will refer to the screen and pointers below.
#1. Performance Years
At the top of the Performance Management Dashboard you will find a dropdown with the existing and previous performance years. The default value is the current performance year. Page back to historical contracts by choosing the applicable performance year.
#2. My Contract / My Team's Contracts
#3. The periods and phases in my contract
#4. My progress through the review periods
#5. Actions available on a review period
#6. What next?
#7. Some things are locked - for now
#8. In summary
Every contract year is divided into steps or phases which have to be completed in a specific sequence.
- First Semester: Objective Settings (Content approval) and rating
- Second Semester: Objective Settings (Content approval) and rating
- Additional: Contract weight items
- Finalise: Finalise and approve the overall evaluation
The progress on each phase is shown by tick marks to indicate the step is in progress or is completed. If the Dual Approval setting is ON, there will be a column for the manager and employee.
The following additional Actions are available on the review periods:
- A setting can be enabled to allow managers to include or exclude review periods.
- Delete a review period. Note that a review period can only be deleted if it has not been approved yet.
More functions available on a contract are:
- Print: Display a detail report of the PM contract.
- Manage Documents: Upload, download or delete documents on the PM contract.
- Audit Content report for First Semester: Display an audit report showing all the changes made to the contents and scores by the employee and/or manager.
- Refresh: Refresh the current screen.
Click on the Start or Open button in the performance agreement table to start working with a specific review period.
Additional Actions
The following actions are available to users:
- Print: Display a detail report of the PM contract.
- Details: The manager has the opportunity to override the Revised Average score and change the Dual Approval setting for the contract.
- History: Open the employee's contract.
- Manage Documents: Upload, download or delete documents on the PM contract.
- Audit Content report for First Semester: Display an audit report showing all the changes made to the contents and scores by the employee and/or manager.
- Refresh: Refresh the current screen.
- Include First Semester: A Review Period's score can be included or excluded in the Overall Calculated Weighted Average (CWA) calculation.
- Delete First Semester from Performance Agreement: The review Period with all its contents can be deleted if it is not approved yet.
If a performance contract exist, you will see its stages and phases presented at the bottom of the dashboard.
Look out for the following buttons which give an indication of your next action.
START - Starts the process of creating a new performance contract.
OPEN - Opens an assessment period. Make sure if you should be working in the first, second, third etc. assessment period.
CONTINUE - Continue and complete your objective setting phase, then submit it to your manager for finalisation.
LOCKED - This could mean the last person to have exited the contract, did not do so using the BACK TO DASHBOARD button, and in essence left the contract still locked to his/her account. You can wait an hour or so until the system automatically unlocks the contract, or you can call your manager asking them to again open the contract and exit using the BACK TO DASHBOARD button.
LOCKED - If a whole stage of a contract is locked, it might indicate that stage is not yet officially open. Perhaps because you have not yet complete the previous stage? Or because a company decision was taken to only open it at a certain date.
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