A check-in is a functionality that enables managers to conduct regular progress reviews on an employee’s performance agreement objectives between formal review periods. It allows managers to provide direction, offer guidance, and keep employees focused on their objectives. Additionally, check-ins facilitate employee feedback on the support and guidance received, fostering continuous communication and alignment.
Company Values and Behaviours
Company values and behaviours define the expected conduct within an organisation. By identifying and explicitly communicating these values and behaviours, companies shape their culture, establish a moral compass for employees, and create a foundation for consistent decision-making. They also serve as guidelines for internal processes and performance measurement. Employees are assessed against these values as part of their performance management process, and they automatically form part of each employee’s performance agreement.
Employee, User, Learner, or Person
These terms are used interchangeably within the system to refer to individuals interacting with it. The term "person" or "user" generally refers to those engaging with the system in a non-administrative or non-managerial capacity. If the context is related to Learning Management, "learner" is preferred. In a manager-subordinate environment, such as Performance Management, "employee" is typically used. The appropriate term depends on the specific module and its functionality.
Key Competencies
Key competencies refer to the essential skills, abilities, and attributes required for success in a specific job or organisation. These competencies are often used in the rating process to assess employee performance. Within the system, competencies can be defined for each job and made available in the Performance Management module.
Key Performance Area (KPA)
Key Performance Areas are the specific business areas for which an individual is responsible, such as process improvement, safety and health, and security. Each KPA is further defined by one or more Key Performance Indicators (KPI), which measure performance within that area. KPA weights within a Perspective must always total 100%. For further details, refer to Key Performance Indicator (KPI).
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
Key Performance Indicators are measurable values that assess progress towards strategic goals or objectives. An effective KPI is well-defined, quantifiable, and essential for achieving specific targets. KPI weights within a Key Performance Area (KPA) must always total 100%.
Leadership Behaviours
Leadership behaviours are performance objectives applicable only to employees in leadership positions, where they have direct reports. If an employee is not a manager, this section will be unavailable, and its weight will be redistributed proportionally among the remaining sections.
Manager / Performance Manager / Line Manager
A manager, in the context of the system, is an individual with direct reports. Organisationally, this role may be referred to as a line manager. Within the Performance Management module, a manager is known as a performance manager, while in the Learning Management module, the role may be identified as a training manager. Depending on the organisation, these roles may be held by the same person or different individuals. To determine who fulfils each role, refer to an employee's reporting lines. The terms manager, performance manager, and line manager are used interchangeably.
An objective is a specific goal that an employee is expected to achieve. In Signify, the term "objective" encompasses various performance elements, including a Key Performance Area's (KPA) Key Performance Indicator (KPI), a Stretch Target's KPI, a Company Value, a Leadership Behaviour, and a Key Competency. These objectives define performance expectations for an employee over a given performance year and serve as the basis for assessment and measurement.
People Group
A people group is a defined selection of individuals grouped based on specific criteria, such as their position in the organisational structure, reporting line, location, or other conditions. ndividuals within a people group have access to certain system functionalities, including selected eLearning courses, events, or specific processes.
Performance Year