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Version 9.1.135 (13 January 2025)

Performance Management

Rating button not displaying (#124149)


  • RateThe rate button not shown to the employee when the manager has not yet submitted objectives



  • Fix the check that determines the contract state on the dashboard.


Improve the performance of queries throughout the system by providing a materialised PeoplegroupUsers table per service (#122980)


  •  Improve the performance of queries throughout the system by providing a materialised PeoplegroupUsers table per service



A new people group all people has been added and includes everyone in the system with an appointment
  • You can only exclude users from this custom people group
  • It is auto-populated when adding a user either from the front end or via the user import
All services that make use of People groups
  • For all services, the following must be confirmed
    • When adding or terminating a user the user must be automatically added/removed from the people group
      • Editing appointments on the front end
      • Adding a new user on the front end
      • Importing users
    • When the people group is used in the service the data is auto-populated
  • Performance management 
    • Performance dashboard and the loading of subordinates 
    • Target Audience Page
  • Report Builder 
    • When drawing a report for a specific people group
  • People Management 
    • Dashboard
      • Active, future and terminated should still show correctly
Busting the cache from the front end
  • Both the Redis cached people groups are removed and the data for the people groups in MaterialisedPeopleGroupUsers are removed
  • The MaterialisedPeopleGroupUsers must be materialised when next used in the service e.g PM, People Management, Report Builder

Create master data for evaluation periods pulled from V8 (#112612)

    • Add a dropdown with all the Evaluation Periods (V8) 
      • Evaluation Period
        • Required field
        • Master Data Table to be added with the 360 Evaluation Periods from v8
    • Add a dropdown with the Import Actions
      • I want to import
        • Options
          • ONLY new scores
            • When selected, show helper text
              • Import new evaluation scores from [selected evaluation period]. Leave existing scores as is.
          • New scores and override existing scores (from evaluations)
            • When selected, show helper text
              • Import new evaluation scores from [selected evaluation period]. Existing scores will be overridden.
              • Business Rule:
                • When the setting is inactive and the Manager cannot revise, exclude this option
                  On the Review Years | Review Setup | Review Period | Review Survey

    • Integration Tab on Ruleset Setup
      • Review Year Review Survey Import
        • When selected, the scores should be imported according to the chosen option via the API
        • Import from last sync/import date
        • Also, add a daily sync
        • Only run when a Review Setup has a Review Survey


Import PM Scores to V8 SCP (#112597)

  • On V8
    • When opening the Profile
      • Use the API to import the Overall Final Score
        • Overall Final Score = Review Period 1, 2 etc has been approved and Review Survey has value / is excluded
  • Materialised view - use table 
  • PM - Update score to materialised view every 2 hours
  • PM Year to use
    • The PM Year is irrelevant because only the latest approved Overall Final Score will be used
  • Add Import to Integrations tab
    • Talent Profile - Latest PM Score Import


Change the Ignore Phase End Date rule (#123374)

The label should be changed to:



The business rules that should be applied when this setting is enabled:

  • The Start Date and End Dates should be ignored
  • This will mean that the users can start the phase before the date is reached and they can continue after the date is reached
  • Thus, the phase will never be locked

Learning Management

Notifications not sent out (#123776)


  • Notifications are not sent as soon as mark setup is marked as published and send notifications are enabled



  • Add sendNotifications call in Marksheet.tsx when the mark is published and locked. Also, the marks will now be saved before sending the notification


Cannot save marks for a second class (#123870)


  • Some users are missing from materialized users causing the save not to work



  • Increase the retry interval for message processing to 60s for consumer events
  • Add migration to sync the MaterializedUsers table again


Add a loading indicator when exporting the list of recipients (#123802)


  • No loading indicator when exporting the list of users that will not receive a notification on the attendance register



  • Add loading indicators on Ajax calls in the attendance notification modal


Data Warehouse

Organisational path - Incorrect (#124143)


The issue was these 2 users' Appointments were edited last May according to the source data. The data warehouse data for these specific 2 users was not updated with the latest Org data. For Appointments, the data warehouse fetched the data that had been updated for the past 72 hours. I am not sure if the Datawarehouse at that time did not update the Appointment data or if there is perhaps an issue on the data source where the Edited Data did not update correctly, due to this being updated manually on the source DB with support query.



Adjust the Appointments DWH package to refresh all the appointments daily. This is now possible due to the massive performance improvements that were made within the DWH. This will ensure that the DWH does have all the latest appointments daily going on forward.


 'Null' values should return an empty string (#123389)

  • The Datawarehouse returned 'blank' if the nvarchar returned NULL values
  • Adjusted the V9 DWH to return NULL if the nvarchar column value is NULL


Dashboards: Scores not showing on graphs (#123887)


  • The final rating score field needs to be added within Contract Periods for V9 DWH to implement the dashboard changes



  • Added Final rating score field  within Contract Periods


Tenant Management

Email Template Adjustments for Tenant Management (#123472)


  • Spaces between text in the template are too large.



  • Fixed the templates by reducing the spaces between paragraphs

Red Pill Changing to Grey on Manage Person Screen and Organizational Structure Screen (#123795)


  • The licence expiry warning message is grey on people management and org structure.



  • Fixed global styling issue where it conflicts with pill styling


Spelling of Licence (#123827)


  • Incorrect spelling mistake



  • Corrected the spelling from License to Licence


People Management

The system does not Auto-Confirm the User with a valid Email address (#118978)


  • The system does not Auto-Confirm the User with a valid Email address



  • If a user's email is provided, the email will be auto-confirmed. If not provided initially, it will confirm the email if the user is updated with one. The email will also be unconfirmed if it is removed.


The curser does not change when hovering on the People Group selection (#121876)


  • The Curser does not change when hovering over the People Group selection



  • Changes styling to show a pointer when hovering over the people group dropdown


Add a Summary Menu Item (#122957)


  • As a person with access to a person’s profile, I want to have a menu item for the summary



  • Added a summary tab to the user profile


Organisational Structure

Delete modal heading displays incorrectly when Name contains ampersand (#122269)


  • Org Structure delete modal heading displays incorrectly when Name contains ampersand



  • Added fix to show name in heading correctly if it contains special characters



Buttons to be moved away from the  bottom border of the Group Chat setup box (#123357)


  • The save group button is near the bottom border.



  • Increased the margin of the footer of the create group modal


Auto Doc

Styling on Delete Template modal to be aligned with mock-up on CR (#104629)


  • On the delete template modal, the name of the template should be replaced by Template and the name of the template to be deleted shown in quotation marks and in bold



  • Fixed the styling of the delete template modal


[Auto Doc][Admin User][Templates] Asterisk to be placed alongside Delete Reason text box label (#102815)


  • Delete modals reason field that is required does not show asterisks.



  • Implemented correct class on the global component to fix issues everywhere


Ruleset Management

Tooltip to be adjusted (#104399)


  • When the creation of a ruleset fails, the 'could not create ruleset' label contains a list of services which could not be set up.
  • Please could we insert a space between the 2 words in the name of the Services?



  • Added spaces between the words


Error when trying to save External Link with name with 225 characters (#104617)


  • Error when trying to save External Link with name with 225 characters



  • Increased the length of the external link name to 500 characters.


The Kudos icon is not available on the Change Icons list (#113037)


  • The Curser does not change when hovering over the People Group selection



  • Changes styling to show a pointer when hovering over the people group dropdown


Competency Analysis

Do not display text in Bold (#121394)


  • When a user hovers on the Competency Title the system displays the pop-up text in Bold



  • Changed the tooltip to normal text.



Incorrect product name displayed for Career Conversations (#113009)


  • When on the language page the Career Conversation translation did not work.



  • Saw that some of the translations were missing, so I added the missing values



Confirmation message on Create of new Schedule to be corrected (#101309)


  • The confirmation message on Create of new Schedule to be corrected



  • Fixed the confirmation message when saving a schedule


Event Deactivation Reason text box label asterisk to be displayed in red instead of grey (#102805)


  • When deactivating a notification event, the reason field label asterisk (*) needs to be displayed in red.



  • Changed the deactivation reason asterisk to red.


The user can set the Once-Off custom schedule to time already passed (#96569)


  • Able to set a custom once-off schedule to a time today that has already passed.



  • When once-off schedule type is selected, remove time slots that has passed already.


Events: 'Can be scheduled' indicator to be shown on the Notification Events list (#85834)


  • Please consider indicating on the Notification Events page which events can be scheduled.



  • Added a "Can Schedule" column to the notification events list to indicate whether that event can be scheduled or not