Version 9.1.140 (3 February 2025)
People Groups
Incorrect heading for the Org path column (#124530)
- Incorrect heading for the Org path column
- Ensure the correct heading is displayed on the table for the org path column
ValueObjects in tables are not audited (#116420)
- When only a Value Object has changed on an Entity (as opposed to a normal property) the auditing does not pick up that the entity should be audited because it does not evaluate the Value Object properties of the Entity.
- Unfortunately, there is no easy way to directly check the previous vs current values of Value Object properties as you would with a normal entity property change. Value Objects are immutable; any 'change' deletes the previous entity reference and adds a new one.
- To still be able to pick up changes, however, you can access all the 'Added' reference entities of an entity (the value objects essentially) and then compare that to the list of deleted entities from the Change Tracking.
- If it is the same type and has the same FK then assume that this Deleted entity is the pre-change version of the Added entity.
- Once the deleted entity is retrieved compare Added against Deleted properties and return true if any changes.
Employee data import error (#125558)
- The org nodes are duplicated when no org structure exists and multiple users are linked to the node
- When importing nodes with accents in the name the import fails
- The bulk import to V8 for the job structure is blocked by the full org structure import when errors occur
- Remove unused caching check between node creation and replace with existence check on the newly created nodes
- Add accent escapes when querying the existing org nodes.
- Reorder the bulk import types
- Correct 1000 appointment recursion error
Signify Employee data import API (#122932)
Add the option on the payroll connector to save and validate a PowerShell script used for import
- When adding a payroll connector
- Move the payroll connector provider to the top of the modal
- Add a new provider Powershell
- When the provider type is Powershell
- Change the display of the screen and show the following fields
- Name - Textbox
- Powershell Script- Text Area
- The text area is pre-populated with a powershell script for import from Signifies own APIs. This script servers as the base to be customised from
- The text area is pre-populated with a powershell script for import from Signifies own APIs. This script servers as the base to be customised from
- Import Enabled- Toggle
- Name - Textbox
- When the user saves the page the script is run without staging the data
- When the powershell script can run through and return data in the format to be stagged the script is valid
- Otherwise through an error
- When the powershell script can run through and return data in the format to be stagged the script is valid
- When the manual processing button is clicked then the powershell script will run and stage
- When more than on powershell script is added then all the data will be stagged and processed as a single import only keeping the latest record per user should a user be returned in multiple powershell scripts
- When more than on powershell script is added then all the data will be stagged and processed as a single import only keeping the latest record per user should a user be returned in multiple powershell scripts
- Each providers connectors will be processed together and will not include other providers
- Meaning Payspace connectors will be grouped and powershell connectors will be group and proccesed as a batch seperately.
- Move the payroll connector provider to the top of the modal
Create a powershell connector command to process connectors of this type per ruleset
Create a new command and handler- PowershellImportCommand
- The handler retrieves all the powershell connectors for active rulesets
- All the connectors for a specific ruleset must be processed as a batch
- The users from multiple connectors will be stagged and imported as a single import
- Should a user be returned by mulitple connector only the latest user according to appointment data should be imported
- Log all steps in the handler as an import occuring and display the status on Notifications| Imports
Security when running a powershell script
- Consider the implementation of custom runspace when running the import
The handler should be able to be run manually for a single ruleset or per schedule for all rulesets
- Reuse the current payroll connector job to also process powershell connectors
Create SQL notification for support
- When an import runs in the background there is no notification that informs the client if a failure has occured during the import. The user currently needs to go to the Notifications | Imports tab in the system to access this information.
- When an import completes and there are any failures that occurred during the import trigger a standard system notification.
Recipient: Front End Import- Person who started the import
Backend Import- Send to admins of product linked to import type
Email Body:
Dear [RecipientName] [RecipientSurname],
The [ImportType] import is completed with [ErrorCount] errors.
Please follow the below link for more information
[Link To Notification | Import]
Kind Regards
HR Team
Create a powershell script to pull data
- Create a powershell script to pull data from a client's API and stage the data in Signify
Report Builder
Changes to Styling on Full Report page (#121257)
When on the Full report page of report builder and you scroll down the headers are scrolling out of the page thus it is hard to see which column is for what.
Implemented sticky headers so the headers always show when scrolling
Data Warehouse
Add Improvement Strategy Field (#125557)
- The Improvement Strategy field is not available when creating a report
- Added the field in the Data Warehouse for selection