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Version 9.1.65 (12 February 2024)

System Access

Add a check on external login when User does not exist to give a message (#110250)

Added a message: Invalid Login Attempt


People Management

Changed validation on the email address in the identity service when adding a user with an email address that has been used for another user on the ruleset as a username (#111385)

Removed the Username Required setting and changed the validation to only be performed when the username is empty and the email address is to be used as the username as a fallback.



Ensure that when a people group is exported the default is set when the user has not selected their default (#111809)

When the People Groups are imported into the Additional Services, the default is now also set on Additional Services.


Change the wording on the buttons of the People Management Dashboard (#110534)

The People Group button label has been changed to Manage People.



Change the wording on the Password Reset Confirmation (#110536)

Added the person's email address to the confirmation message.



Correct role implementation when displaying gear and product setup (#103560)

User roles are not considered when showing cog, product setup or people group menus
- Verify that the user is an authenticated admin before showing the cog
- Only show people groups to people admins, performance admins to ruleset admins
- Only show product setup to product admins or ruleset admins
- On the product tab only show the products the user has the role to configure or show all if a ruleset admin
- Hide ruleset tabs when the user is not a ruleset admin

Report Builder

Ensure that reports have unique names (#111694)

Add a check to ensure that reports have unique names.



Ruleset Setup

Add on-screen messages when services are not running (#88160)

An on-screen message is displayed to inform the user when a service is not running.


Tenant Management

Expired subscription still showing as Active (#108507)

On the Tenant Management page, the expired subscriptions is made Inactive. Ensured that Ruleset 1 is exempt from the Tenant Inactive Check.

When logging into the Tenant, a message is displayed:



Performance Management

Corrected the issue where the Modify Manager Ratings button are displayed twice (#111652)
