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Version 9.1.99 (15 July 2024)

People Management

Technical: The index page makes excessive calls (TP#116776)


  • The People Management index page made excessive HTTP calls to retrieve the Kudos phrases and Kudos badges.



  • This was because the calls were made in the modals.
  • Moved the HTTP calls from the index page and now pass the phrases and badges through as a parameter to the relevant modals.


An error appears when Appointing an Employee (TP#116739)


  • Error occurred when adding a new person, due to an error in a back-end script.



  • Ensure that when people are added, no errors are returned, by fixing the script.


Country selector default to SA (TP#116648)


  • Country selector defaults to SA



  • The company codes will now use geolocation to determine the correct company code to select initially depending on your IP address.
  • If the location cannot be determined it will currently default to US. This applies to contact details and the next of kin number fields.


Able to click the Delete button for an active appointment (TP#116652)


  • You can click the delete button next to a person's active appointment and the confirmation modal is displayed.
  • There is an error when you continue because this action is not allowed.



  • Disable the delete button


Surname Filter - UI Improvements (TP#116242)


  • When a letter on the Surname filter bar (the left vertical bar with “abc”,”A”, etc) is clicked, then the page filters the People with surnames that start with that letter.  
  • But, it is not clear enough which letter is clicked



  • Highlight the letter more (currently it is only bolded).  
  • Add a round coloured circle around the letter/ highlighted background
  • Show above the People cards (or list):
    • Showing People with surnames starting with “G”.  Click “abc” to clear.


UTC date is displayed for Last Login (TP#116745)


  • When using the card view on People Management and clicking on a person's card, a preview displayd of the person's details.
  • On this modal the person's last successful login date is displayed.
  • Please note that this date is displayed as UTC, meaning it is 2 hours behind SA time.
  • Please ensure that the UTC is converted to local time.
  • Fix more places where ToUniversalTime() is incorrectly used. 


Performance Management

Values & Behaviours section weights stay red after entering them manually (TP#113304)


  • There was 1 issue on the react state when the sections and items are added causing it to add some sections in duplicate to the state.
  • This had the effect of removing incorrect items from the state and section items disappearing from the incorrect sections.
  • Also, this leads to the invalid weight calculation to be incorrect.


  • Fixed the problem with the duplicate sections being added to the state which also corrected the weight validation.


Prevent Rate button text from overflowing (TP#116231)


  • On certain resolutions, the text on the rating button will overflow onto a second line when the columns are too narrow. 



  • Set it so the Rate buttons never wrap, meaning it will show a scrollbar if the resolution gets too small


Styling and alignment on rating modal (TP112866)


  • Rating box styling is not great when all 3 are displayed



  • Set minimum width and also make it wrap better when text is long


Sort order Templates (TP#116437)


  • There is no sorting order when creating an agreement from a Template



  • Added alphabetical sorting order


New Feature: Move Contracts Between Review Setups (TP#115509)

  • Add a new vertical pill for Move Agreements on the Bulk Actions
  • The From Review Setup should have 
    • All review setups
    • Unallocated agreements
    • All linked review setups individually
  • The To Review Setups have the People Group as well
  • Search on
    • Person Name
    • Person Surname
    • Person Username
    • Performance Manager Name
    • Performance Manager Surname
    • Performance Manager Username
    • Position
  • Grey out the checkbox in the list when
    • The person is not part of a Custom People Group
    • The person has no agreement
    • Add tooltips (see mock-up)
  • When selecting the Move Agreements button, a confirmation modal opens 
    • Please provide a reason is a required field
    • When the Move Agreements button is selected
      • Add the person on the Custom People Group of the selected To Review Setup
      • Move the agreement (as is) to the To Review Setup
  • After moving the people, show a snack message to confirm the move
  • Move the Bulk Action Logs last
  • Add the entry for the Move Agreements
  • Show the From and To Review Setups


Ruleset Management

Tenant users cannot update their ID Numbers (TP#112761)


  • The new tenant users are created using only the email address specified while creating the tenant, this means that this user has no Password or ID number assigned.
  • This means that the user cannot log in or change their password. 



  • When creating a new Tenant / Create from Blank or Create from R1
    • Do not copy the MFA settings 
    • Always use Sent OTP via Email option
  • When copying from any other Ruleset (excl R1)
    • Copy the MFA settings as configured on the copy from a ruleset

Competency Analysis

Terminated Employees appear on the My Team List (TP#116615)


  • The system displayed terminated Employees on the My Team Tab for the Manager to complete the Competency Analysis



  • Exclude terminated users


Master Data

Section Items: Add the ability to filter on "Type" (TP#87260)


  • The Section Items Master Data now contains all master data for all the PM sections, making it very difficult to work with.
  • Add a filter to the search bar to filter on the Section Type.



  • Added section type global filter for the Performance Management Section Items on Master Data


Org Chart

The Org Chart must open from the logged-in user’s point and down (TP#116400)


  • The system opens a new window and Displays the Org Chart from the Top Level



  • Display the OrgChart from the Logged in User. So the logged-in user must be the parent node.  


System Access

Signify cannot log in on R1 because of no appointments and error message is incorrect (TP#116636)


  • Cannot log in to the system.
  • When resetting the password, it still does not allow the user to log in.
  • The error message is also incorrect. 
  • It states that the Username and Password combination is incorrect.



  • A change has been made to the check if a user is active. A user is not active when:
    •  The user has no appointment
    • The user's latest appointment has been terminated
    • The user has been disabled
The message on the standard login and external login has been updated and will now display.




Failed Group Chat Creation Makes Group Chat Creation Interface Persistent when Chat module is opened (TP#116201)


  • When New Group Creation fails it persistently displays the Group Creation Screen when clicking on the Chat Icon.



  • When the group creation fails, reset the display to show the chats and not the creation page


Sent Attachments do not Automatically Refresh the Chat (TP#116183)


  • When Attachments are sent, the message does not refresh automatically on the other user's side.
  • Manual Refresh is required to trigger the message sent (opening and closing chat again or sending another message will manually trigger).



  • When Attachments are sent, the message refreshes automatically on the other user's side.


The SigniChat modal cuts off


  • The modal cuts off at the top



  • Gave SigniChat component a smaller fixed height


All Services

Improve error messages (TP#113747)


  • There are a lot of generic error messages across domains



  • Handle domain exception with a specific code and the exception itself returns the key for the translation of the exception.
  • When the code and key are available in the exception it should be used to display the error otherwise it shows the generic error. 


HR Processes

New Feature: Ability to cancel a submitted request (TP#116470)


  • When submitting an HR Request, there is no ability to Cancel it



  • When a request is submitted and the request is still in the My Open Requests section, this request should have the functionality to be cancelled
  • When the Cancel Request button has been selected, a cancel confirmation should display where you must add the reason
  • When the request has been cancelled, it moves to Historical Request
  • Instead of submitting, it should show cancelled with the date and time
  • Translations should be added for the cancel functionality


Search is applicable only to the 1st tab (TP#116448)


  • When you are on the HR Processes tab, and you search, it seems it searches on exports which is the first tab



  • Focus the global search on the current tab


New Functionality: Support User

Add a Support User for specific Rulesets (TP#115605)

  • Support Users can be added and access is granted to All Rulesets or specific rulesets
  • When the Access to all Rulesets has been selected, the dropdown is disabled
    • Use the select2 - Multi-select
  • People can be removed
  • When the modal is saved, and the user clicks on the + Support User button again, the previously saved users should be displayed and can be edited


Enable Support for all Support Users linked to the Ruleset, so that the support user can log in on behalf of this person (TP#115606)

  • Under the Actions menu, a new option should be available to Allow Support for the person whose profile is viewed
  • When selected, a modal opens where the date is to be specified
    • Default is 2 days from today
    • User can extend the date
    • When the date is reached, the Support User cannot login on behalf anymore


See when a Support User logged in (TP#115607)

  • When a support user logs in, it should be displayed on the person's My Sign-ins
    • Support and the Support User's email address should be shown


Log into a Ruleset on behalf of a person (TP#115611)

  • A separate URL for the support login is required
  • When clicking on this URL, the user needs to add the Username of the on behalf person and the Reason for support
    • These are required fields
  • When clicking the Microsoft login, the email address is verified against the allowed support users (Technical part)
  • An option to go to the normal login page of this Ruleset needs to be available 
    • When selected, the user is navigated to the login page
  • Only MS Accounts are allowed


The API User's password should not expire (TP#115664)

  • In the standard login method change the check that determines if a user is active to ignore password expiry and appointment information if the user type is either API or Support
  • When creating a Ruleset, add the Signify Support User as well