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Support Button Set Up Using Image Links

If a client uses an image with a link to launch an external mail launcher, they most probably will experience an issue where the main page loading indicator does not stop loading.

The below fix should be applied to the customer's front end.

Navigate to where the support button setup happens: System Administration | Tools | Configuration | Framework | Global Settings


 Click on Source and search for mailto (this is where the changes need to be made):


 An onclick method will need to be added to a div in order to trigger the page load function in the backend. (Please note this commit must exist on the branch you are making changes to or the function will not be triggered. TP80416)


For this to happen, the image button needs to be formatted at such:

<div onclick="SendEmail();">

<image here - Copy image tag from the <a> tag here>

<a id="hfFirstMailTo style="visibility:hidden" href="mailto:_url_"></a>


Please note: variable names for the <a> tag id as well as the function name for the div needs to be exactly the same as in the below example.

