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Temporary tables

  • Temp tables are used for the large temporary storage of data.
  • Only use local temp tables. 
  • Use temporary tables cautiously / only when necessary e.g. early filtering in reports / complex queries.
  • When a temporary table is used in a stored procedure, evaluate if it is absolutely necessary.
  • Ensure that temporary table are always explicitly dropped at the end of the stored procedure.
  • When the possibility exist that the temp table does not exist test its existence in the temp..DB before dropping e.g. conditionally created temp table 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#TheTable') IS NOT NULL
/*Do Stuff*/
  • Create the table before addition when a fixed definition is required or multiple data sources are used to populate it
      CREATE TABLE #LeaveCycles(
           StartDate   DATETIME,
           EndDate     DATETIME,
           LeaveTypeId INT,
           Name        VARCHAR(200) COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT,
           CycleId     INT,
           CreatedDate DATETIME,
           EmployeeId  INT

      INSERT INTO #LeaveCycles(
           , EndDate
           , LeaveTypeId
           , Name
           , CycleId
           , CreatedDate
           , EmployeeId
      EXEC LeaveCalculateActiveCyclesByLeaveType
           @EmployeeId = @EmployeeId,
           @SchemaId = @SchemaId,
           @LeaveTypeId = @LeaveTypeId,
           @IsHistoric = @IsHistoric
  • When a single table is used a select into can be done to create the temp table