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Toolbox: Types of Pathway Steps

To assist the pathway administrator in guiding the learner/employee through content several types of pathway steps are available. Each step will be discussed in an individual article. This article provides a list of all the available Pathway Steps.

Pathway StepExamples
AcceptanceThe learner/employee accepts the terms and conditions for a specific course. 
Adobe Connect - Live SessionsThe learner/employee views an Adobe LIVE session as part of their course. 
Adobe Connect - Recorded SessionsThe learner/employee views an Adobe Connect session as part of their course.
Assessment (Online)The learner/employee completes an online assessment on theory material which forms part of the course.
Assessment (Practical)The learner/employee is evaluated practically and the result is uploaded as a learner record. 
Assignment (Upload Document)The learner/employee uploads assignments or POE documents as part of their course. 
CatalogueThe learner/employee views a product catalogue. 
Certification PointThe learner/employee completes prerequisite pathway steps and receives a certification point. The learner/employee can download a certificate for the course they completed. This is usually the last step in a pathway. 
CommentThe learner receives an outline of instructions or outcomes for the course. This is usually the first step in a pathway.
Document (Download)The learner downloads a document, such as theoretical material or a module outline document. 
InvoiceThe learner completes information required to receive an invoice for the course they are completing. 
Learning GuideThe learner/employee downloads a learning guide document saved in the Signify Learning Guides module. 
MovieThe learner/employee watches a movie. 
Pathway ConnectorThe learner/employee can access a refresher course or a course which proceeds the course they just completed.
Question Mark AssessmentThe learner/employee completes an assessment created in Question Mark through the course on Signify.
SCORM / xAPIThe learner/employee completes an interactive learning package. For examples of SCORM packages make sure to view some of the content developed by Signify:
Sharepoint DocumentThe learner/employee downloads a document saved to SharePoint.
User MessageThe learner/employee can provide feedback on their experience of the course.
Workshop (Event)The learner/employee can book themselves on a classroom event. 
Zip FolderThe learner can download several documents or images in a zipped package.