Signature Overview
The building blocks of Signature is based on the idea of a Library. Just like any library there exist shelves with books, each book can contain chapters and pages. You start off by creating the shelve that is the highest level of categorisation in Signature. Once you have created or identified the appropriate shelve you can start creating your book. A book which acts as the next level of categorisation. Ideally you'd have separate books for separate topics.
Within a book you can directly create pages or you can first create chapters. Chapters provide an additional level of page grouping to keep pages organised but are optional. All the information you write is held within pages. Although books and chapters do not hold information they can be given a short description to assist with searching and visibility.
Bookshelves can contain multiple books and a single book could be placed on multiple Bookshelves.
Default Colour Coding
Bookshelves, books, chapters and pages have set colour coding in Signature to ensure they are easily identifiable. The below examples show the default colour scheme.