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Administrator Perspective

Opening a catalogue from the catalogue menu item

If the catalogue menu item has been enabled on the home screen, all users will have access to the published catalogues. 

System users will have permission to page through the catalogue, where catalogue administrators and catalogue experts will have permission to edit the catalogue.

Note: This menu item displays all published catalogues, irrespective of a target audience.

Catalogue View and basic Navigation Controls

When clicking on a catalogue link, the catalogue will automatically load in a separate tab. The catalogue tour will load with the start-up page. These catalogue tours are a standard item for all catalogues and all first-time users (including catalogue administrators and experts) will be taken on the tour when they log into the catalogue.

A tour is a series of steps which highlights the main navigational controls available on the screen.

  • Click on “Next” to view the next hint of the tour.
  • Should a user work through less than 10% of the catalogue, the tour will be repeated the next time they log in.
  • Once all steps in the catalogue tour have been completed, the tour can be ended by clicking on “End Tour”
  • This button can also be clicked at any point during the tour.

Continuing to the next page of the Catalogue

Arrows on the right-hand side of the page allow users to navigate to the next or previous page of the catalogue. These controls are available to all users.