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Using a catalogue in a pathway

The most secure and simple way to make a catalogue available, is to add it as a step to a pathway and making that pathway available only to the employees/users which need to access the catalogue via the pathway. A pathway toolbox item has been added to allow the adding of a catalogue step in a pathway. The controls available on the catalogue will be dependant on the user’s permissions.

To add and edit pathways, navigate to the following menu option:

Navigate to Modules | e-Learning | Learning Management | Maintain Learning pathway

Note: The user creating or editing the pathways should have the role of learning administrator.

A full discussion of how to add a catalogue to a pathway step will be discussed in the pathway manual. Please take note of the below:

  • Only published catalogues will show in the list of available catalogues.
  • To create a learner record after the catalogue has been completed, add a Certification Point step to the pathway and set the catalogue step as a prerequisite for the Certification Point.
  • A pathway can be configured that the expert is the only person on the target audience of the pathway until the catalogue is ready to be used.

Note: The user creating or editing the pathways should have the role of learning administrator.

A full discussion of how to add a catalogue to a pathway step will be discussed in the pathway manual. Please take note of the below:

  • Only published catalogues will show in the list of available catalogues.
  • To create a learner record after the catalogue has been completed, add a Certification Point step to the pathway and set the catalogue step as a prerequisite for the Certification Point.
  • A pathway can be configured that the expert is the only person on the target audience of the pathway until the catalogue is ready to be used.