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Creating the Catalogue

Product catalogues are used to convey information regarding products and/or services offered by organisations. These catalogues are made available on each employee’s home page or in pathways where their progress can be tracked.

By working through this document, administrators will learn how to use the product catalogue module to create catalogues. Once they have been added to pathways, learners or employees can receive training and certification based on the content in these catalogues.

The main steps which will be followed in this manual to familiarise you with the Product Catalogue module are:

  • Create a new catalogue
  • Assign an expert to a catalogue
  • View/edit a catalogue
  • Basic navigation controls
  • The Page Editor
  • Using a catalogue in a pathway
  • Administrative Functions

Creating the Catalogue

In this section we discuss how to create a new catalogue, allocate an expert, how to add content to the catalogue and general administration of all catalogues in the system. Only a user which has been allocated the catalogue administration role will be able to create product catalogues. Experts can update the content within catalogues.

Product Catalogue Administration Menu

To navigate to the module, select System Administration | Modules | Catalogue

Create a new Catalogue

Click on “Create New Catalogue” to add a new catalogue to the system, then enter the basic details for the catalogue.

Complete the details after the “Add New Catalogue” window has loaded.

  • Catalogue Name: The name for the catalogue which clearly identifies the content within the catalogue.
  • Image URL: The full URL to the primary image to be used on the first page of the product catalogue, as obtained from the Image Uploader in the system - see the administrative processes later in this document for instructions on using the Image Uploader.
  • Thumbnail URL: The full URL to the thumbnail image to be used for the product catalogue, as obtained from the Image Uploader in the system - see the administrative processes later in this document for instructions on using the Image Uploader.
  • Status: Whether the catalogue is published for view and editing by users (and experts) in the catalogue menu item of the system.
  • Primary Color: The hexadecimal value used to represent the primary background colour in the catalogue.

Note: Do not publish a catalogue before all of its content has been confirmed and it is ready for use.

Capture catalogue details

Enter the required details and save.  More details regarding each field:

  • Catalogue Name: The name for the catalogue which clearly identifies the content within the catalogue.
  • Image URL: The full URL to the primary image to be used on the first page of the product catalogue, as obtained from the Image Uploader in the system - see the administrative processes later in this document for instructions on using the Image Uploader.
  • Thumbnail URL: The full URL to the thumbnail image to be used for the product catalogue, as obtained from the Image Uploader in the system - see the administrative processes later in this document for instructions on using the Image Uploader.
  • Status: Whether the catalogue is published for view and editing by users (and experts) in the catalogue menu item of the system.
  • Primary Color: The hexadecimal value used to represent the primary background colour in the catalogue.

Note: Do not publish a catalogue before all of its content has been created by an expert and it is ready for use by all employees from the Catalogue menu item in the system.

Assign an Expert to a Catalogue

Once a catalogue has been created an expert must be assigned to work on the specific catalogue - the expert is then responsible to populate the catalogue with graphics and content.

To assign an expert, click the “Experts” quick link menu item on the right-hand side of the screen.

Assign an expert to a catalogue

Then click on “Add an Expert” to open a new page where the expert and catalogue needs to be selected.


Click on “+ Choose Expert” to load the “Select Employee” window. Search for and select an employee from the list of employees. 

The page refreshes automatically and the selected employee’s full name will show in the text box.


The last step is to assign the expert to a catalogue. Click on the dropdown below “Catalogue” to load and select all of the catalogues available.

Click “Save” and the selected expert will now be able to add and edit content on that specific catalogue.

Note that the employee’s name is grayed out and that it cannot be changed from this page.