How to Moderate a Learner’s Personal Documents
- On the previous screen, click on Personal Documents in the Actions drop down.
- A list of documents will be displayed.
- Click on the Actions drop-down next to the document to view the options available.
- To download a document, click Download. The document will be downloaded in the Downloads folder of your computer.
- To moderate the document, click Moderate.
Note: A moderator will not be able to upload, edit or delete any documents.
- To create a new moderation record click on the +Add Moderation button.
- Complete the following values on the Moderator Feedback screen:
- Moderator
- Moderation Date
- Outcome
- Comment (This field is compulsory when the Send Email tick box is selected.
- Select the Send Email tick box if you want to send an Email to an assessor containing the outcome of the moderation.
- Assessor
- If the selected Assessor’s email address does not exist, the following message will be displayed:
- Click Save to close the Moderator Feedback screen.
- To Edit/Delete the moderation records click on the Actions drop-down next to the moderation record to view the options available.
- Click Edit to amend the moderation record.
- Click Delete to remove the moderation record.
- Click Back to return to the Personal Documents screen.
Note: The Edit and Delete options will only be available on moderation records added by you. All other moderation records can only be viewed.