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462 total results found
How To Clear System Cache
How to clear cache in browser (Google Chrome) On any page of Google Chrome, on your keyboard, press all these keys at the same time: (Ctrl + Shift + Delete). A new window will open. Select from the Time range (1) drop down All time. Tick both th...
How to Create a New Agreement Template
How to get there? Click System Administration (1), then with your cursor hover over Modules (2) | Click on Performance Management (3) | With your cursor hover over Administration (4) | Click on Templates (5). What to do? Adding a n...
How to Set Up Badges
How to configure Training Level How to get there? Click on System Administration (1), then with your cursor hover over System Administration (2) | Database (3) | Training Levels (4). What to do? On this screen you can view the d...
How to Set Up Campaigns and Leaderboards
Leaderboards have been revised, and the LMS Portal now includes an additional Campaigns Leaderboard section. The Campaigns Leaderboard will enable any employee, who forms part of the campaign, to track their progress, points and badges as well as their leaderb...
New SCORM Engine
A new SCORM engine has been implemented from Version 8.8 onwards. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions in this regard, or wish to schedule your upgrade with us. What are some of the new features? Robustness We integrate with the R...
How To Use The Workplace Observation Application Offline
Note: To complete these steps the device you are using must be connected to the internet. Signing In and Retrieving Theme Insert your Company Theme Key (1) provided by your system administrator. Enter your Username (2). Then enter your Password (...
How To Add a Programme To a Job Profile
How to get there? Click on System Administration (1), then with you cursor hover over Modules (2) | Job Management (3) | Job Profiler (4). What to do? Insert the title of the Job Profile (1). Click on the Search (2) butt...
Creating the Catalogue
Product catalogues are used to convey information regarding products and/or services offered by organisations. These catalogues are made available on each employee’s home page or in pathways where their progress can be tracked. By working through this documen...
Catalogue Basics
This section describes how to view the catalogue, as well as how the basic navigation of a catalogue works. Opening a Catalogue There are 3 ways of viewing or editing a catalogue. Catalogues can be accessed from the System Administration menu. Catalogu...
Administrator Perspective
Opening a catalogue from the catalogue menu item If the catalogue menu item has been enabled on the home screen, all users will have access to the published catalogues. System users will have permission to page through the catalogue, where catalogue adminis...
Administrator Navigation Controls
Three primary navigation and editing controls are made available on the left side of the catalogue page. The primary navigation menu The navigation menus allow users to search for content within the catalogue, add/edit categories and pages to the catalogue. ...
User Perspective
The user perspective is similar to the editor perspective. When opening a catalogue, the user will also be required to complete a guided tour. The primary difference between the user perspective and the editor perspective is that the user does not have the “A...
Using a catalogue in a pathway
The most secure and simple way to make a catalogue available, is to add it as a step to a pathway and making that pathway available only to the employees/users which need to access the catalogue via the pathway. A pathway toolbox item has been added to allow t...
Administrative functions
In this section some administrative functions relating to the product Catalogue module is discussed. Enabling Catalogues To make use of the Catalogue Module, it must be enabled in the Signify system. This can be done by following the below path: From the H...
Technical Manual - Employee Data Import Process
INTRODUCTION The Signify System is not always the primary source of employee data and information needs to be imported from other sources. This document describes the employee data import process used by Signify Software to import and maintain employee inform...
General Setup for Schemas
In Signify, Schemas are used to keep an organisation together in one unit. If your company has is a holding company and owns several other companies, management may want to retain the branding and culture of the companies within the group. If the companies hav...
1. Introduction to Mentors and Coaches
The Mentors and Coaches module enables the employee to have a Mentor and/or Coach assigned to them to help with learning or employee development. It also enables the Mentor and/or Coach to keep track of employee growth. 1.1 Mentoring definition Mentorship is...
2. Mentors & Coaches - Administrator
WHY: This section assists the administrator to add mentors and coaches, set-up relationships between the mentor/coach and the employee being mentored/coached. WHERE: From the system portal, click System Administration | Modules | Mentors and Coaches | Mentors...
3.1 LMS Portal
WHY: This section assists the mentors and coaches to view the employees assigned to them, add new comments, setup the coaching plans and do a coaching assessment. The employees can view their comments and coaching plans. WHERE: On the LMS Portal, click Mentor...
4.1 Training Interventions for Coaching Assessments
WHY: A Training Intervention should always be created when the end result of a task is a Learner Record. The name of the Assessment and that of the Learner Record should be exactly the same. WHERE: The path to Training Interventions List is System Administrat...