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Categorise an Application

While still in an application, it is possible to adjust the application’s category and status.  These are used for the following purpose:

Application Category: This field is typically used to place the application into a group of categories with a view on reconsidering it in future. Examples are Professional, Technical etc.

Application Status: Before submission, all applications start out as Not Submitted Yet until they are submitted upon which their status turns to Application Submitted. The other statuses can be used arbitrarily.

There are two ways to classify an application.

On the Application Itself

  • On the Application Received page, click on Action and then View/Edit Application
On the Application Itself

Add Application page

  • Locate the Classify the Application section and set the application’s category and status as required
Add Application page

From the Applications Received Page

  • Return to the Applications Received page and locate the specific application.
  • In the application record, find the two fields Move to Category and Change Status To and adjust as required.
