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Positions on Job Profiler

In order to advertise a position, that position must exist in the Job Profiler module.

Verify the position's details

As mentioned, the first step before building a position’s advertisement is to verify the position’s details in the Job Profiler module.

Check the job's profile

Open the Job Profiler module from the main menu.


Locate the applicable Job Profile

  • Locate the applicable job profile by searching for it on the list of job profiles.
  • When found, in the Action field, click Click here to… and select Edit from the available options.


Confirm where the position is located on the Organisation Structure

From the side menu for the applicable profile, locate and click Positions to view a list of positions created in this profile

Confirm where the position is located on the Organisation Structure

Job Profile positions list

On the list of positions in this profile, every position is qualified with the following information:

  • Where on the organisation structure the position is located.
  • A hyperlink “Link position to Org” will be displayed next to positions that have not yet been linked to the Org.
  • Who the current incumbent is or it will display if the position is vacant.
  • To view the location of the position, click "More Info" and a portion of the Org Structure will be displayed.
