Documents Upload and Download Using Pathways
Creating a Training Intervention
Before a document can be uploaded a Training Intervention needs to be created.
How to get there?
Click on System Administration (1). With your cursor hover over System Administration (2) and navigate to Database (3) then click on Training Interventions (4). Then click on Add (5).
What to do?
All the following fields are mandatory and needs to be selected or entered:
- Fill in the Intervention Name (1), this will help you to find the intervention later.
- Select from the drop down the Pathway step Type (2).
For a document upload the Pathway Step Type needs to be Assignment.
- Select your Learning Type (3).
- Choose the Nature of Learning (4).
- Select from the drop down list your Training Classification (5).
- Select your Training Category (6).
- Choose your Skills Priority (7).
- Make sure the Add To Learner Record (8) box is ticked.
- Then click Save (9) to save this intervention.
Creating a Pathway With An Assignment Step
How to get there?
What to do?
Select the pathway you want to use for the document upload and add an Assignment step.
- Click on Assignment (Upload Documents) (1) to create the Upload Documents pathway step. A new window will open.
- On the new window insert the Custom Main Header (2).
- Insert the Heading (3).
- Tick the box Log to Learner Record (4).
- Search for the Training Intervention (5) you have created for your document uploads.
- Select Save (6).
How The User Can Upload a Document
When the assignment pathway step was created and your user is on the Target Audience, then the user should be able to see the pathway and upload their documents.
Log in to the Signify system with your Username and Password then:
- Click on Start (3) to open the pathway.
- On the Upload Your Documents pathway step click on the Add (4) button to upload your documents.
- A new pop-up window will load.
- On the File Uploader window, click on the field (5) and select you document on your computer.
- Wait for the file to upload, you will be redirected to the pathway.
- Click on Actions (6) to download your document or to upload a new one.
- When you are sure your document is correct click on Submit for Review (7).
Note: When you have clicked on Submit for Review (7) you will not be able to upload a new document and you will not be able to delete the old document. Only the system administrator will be able to edit documents.
- Read through the terms displayed and click on Confirm (8).
- A learner record will be created for the document and the administrator will be able to view your document.
How the Administrator can edit or delete an uploaded document
How to get there?
Click on System Administration (1). With your cursor hover over Modules (2) then Navigate to e-Learning | Learning Management | Pathway Step Control | Assignment Management.
What to do?
Search for the user and the pathway step were you would like to edit or delete the document.
- To search click on the Hide/Show (1) button.
- Select the Pathway Step (2).
- Select the Pathway Step Status (3) from the drop down list.
- Select the Subgroup (4).
- Choose the date when the learner record was created, Learner Record Start Date Between (5).
- Enter the users details as required (6).
- Then click on Search (7).
- Click on Actions (8) then Edit (9) to edit or delete this Assignment.
- You can click on Add (10) to add a document to this assignment.
- Click on Actions (11) then Edit (12) to edit or delete this document.
Note that the Delete button is locked, follow the steps below to unlock the button.
- Click on the tick box Locked (13) to unlock the delete button.
- Then click on Save (14).
The document can now be deleted. When a document is deleted it is permanent and cant be recovered.
Create a Pathway With a Document (Download) Step
How to get there?
What to do?
Select the pathway you want to use for the document download and add a Document (Download) step.
- Click on Document (Download) (1) to create the Document (Download) pathway step. A new window will open.
- On the new window insert the Custom Pathway Heading (2).
- Click on this field or drop file here to upload a file (3).
- Click on Save (4).
How The User Can Download a Document
By Using a Pathway Step
When the Assignment pathway step was created and your user is on the Target Audience, then the user will be able to see the pathway and download the documents.
Log in to the Signify system with your Username and Password then:
- Click on Start (3) to open the pathway.
- On the Download Your Documents pathway step click on the Download (4) button to download your documents.
- Your document will download in your browser (5).
By Using My Achievements
Log in to the Signify system with your Username and Password then:
- The user can now click on the document to download it on your browser (5).