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How to Switch Between Schemas

In this quick guide we will explain the following steps:

  1. How to switch schemas from System Administration.
  2. How to switch schemas from Manage Employees.

1. From System Administration

1.1. How do I get there?

From your home page, in the left bottom corner, click on System Administration.

1.2. What do I do?

  • Hover over the Home icon (1)
  • Click on the Switch Schema option (2)


  • Select the schema you want to switch to from the drop-down (3)
  • Click on the Switch Schema button to switch to the new schema (4)


  • Navigate and click on Ok (5)
  • You will be navigated back to the Administration portal

Note the conditions displayed in the pop up screen

2. From Manage Employees

2.1. How do I get there?

From your home page, in the left bottom corner, click on System Administration (1). Hover over the Modules Button (2). Click on Manage Employees (3)

2.2. What do I do?

  • Click on the blue circle with the white down arrows in (1)
  • Select the schema you want to switch to from the drop down (2)
  • Click on the Switch Schema button to switch to the new schema (3)
  • You will remain on the same page

Take Note: You will only be able to edit an employee profile when you are working on the schema the employee is appointed on.
