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How To Publish a Pathway

How to get there?

Click on System Administration (1), then with your cursor hover over Modules (2) | e-Learning (3) | Learning Management (4) | Maintain Learning Pathway (5) | Click on Edit (6) by the pathway in question.

What to do?

Publish the pathway

To publish a pathway and make it accessible to users follow these steps:

  • Click on the tab Pathway Node Details (1).

Note: users have to be added to the target audience for them to access the pathway.


  • Enter the pathways Item Label (2), this is the pathway name.
  • From the Item Status (3) drop down select one of these options:
    1. Not Active. (Select this option when the pathway should not be accessed by users).
    2. Publish to people in all schemas. (This option allows users across all schemas to access this pathway).
    3. Publish to people in this schema only. (Users only in the current schema will be able to access this pathway).
  • From the Development Status (4) drop down select one of these options:
    1. Under Construction.
    2. Being Checked.
    3. Can be Published. (Select this option to publish the pathway).
    4. Temporarily Out of Service.
  • The Item Order (5) will automatically generate, but if you need the pathway to be in a different order you can change it here.
  • Click on Choose File (6) to select a picture for the pathway.
  • Select the tick box Show as shortcut on LMS portal (7).
  • Click on Save (8).


Adding users to the Target Audience

  • Click on the Target Audience (1) tab to add users.


Tip: You can add an Org, Position and Employee to a target audience by clicking on the relevant buttons (2). For this example we will add an employee.

  • Select Employee (2).
  • Click on the Add (3) button.
  • A new windows will open.


  • Use the Search (4) criteria to locate a user.
  • Then click on Search (5).
  • Navigate to the user and select the tick box (6) to select the user.
  • Click on Select (7) to add the user to the target audience.
  • Close this window when all the employees have been selected.

Tip: if multiple users needs to be added use the Multiple Employee Numbers (4) field.


  • Click on Refresh Target Audience (8) to apply these settings.

Tip: Click on this link to view the full manual or send an email to for any assistance or more information.
