Version 9.1.141 (3 February 2025)
Employee data import error (#125558)
- The org nodes are duplicated when no org structure exists and multiple users are linked to the node
- When importing nodes with accents in the name the import fails
- The bulk import to V8 for the job structure is blocked by the full org structure import when errors occur
- Remove unused caching check between node creation and replace with existence check on the newly created nodes
- Add accent escapes when querying the existing org nodes.
- Reorder the bulk import types
User Import: Change appointment import to import by action type (#121473)
- When a user is terminated or transferred in the same file the user conflicts with a new user taking the same position
- The old User was terminated and the New user was appointed in the same position within the same import after the termination
- The old user transfers to a new position and the new user receives the old user's position after the transfer
- When the position is changed but the start date of the appointment remains the same the user appointment is not corrected
Appointment Import Rules
- When an end date is provided for the active position
- With a termination reason, end on the imported date with the reason provided
- Without a termination reason, end the active appointment with the date
- Clear the current termination reasons if they exist
- When the terminated record imported's position is different from the latest appointment position the system handles the record as a transfer to a terminated position
- When the terminated record imported is on the same position but the start date, termination date, appointment type, and termination reason differ handle it as an appointment correction
- When no appointment exists and the user is imported with an end date handle as a new appointment
New Appointments
- When a user has no appointments in the system
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
- The start and end date of the imported position must not overlap any existing appointment for the position
- The appointment type must exist as master data
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
- When the user has current appointments in the system, terminated or active
- The user's latest appointment is active
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
- The start and end date of the imported position must not overlap any existing appointment for the position
- Check for overlapping appointments with the current user's appointments and other than active
- The appointment type must exist as master data
- End the current active appointment with end date = new appointment start date -1
- The user's latest appointment is terminated
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
- The start and end date of the imported position must not overlap any existing appointment for the position
- Check for overlapping appointments with the current user's appointments
- The appointment type must exist as master data
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
Appointment Corrections
- The user has an appointment
- The latest appointment position matches the import position appointment
- The start date, end date, appointment type, and termination reason differ from the latest appointment for the user
- Check for overlapping appointments for the position
- The start and end date of the imported position must not overlap any existing appointment for the position
- Check for overlapping appointments with the current user's appointments
- The appointment type must exist as master data
Report Builder
Auto-scroll when dragging and dropping columns (#123392)
- When dragging and dropping a column to another position, you can only drag to the field that is left on the screen, even if there are other fields to the left of the list.
- This means that you must drop the field where you can, wait for the page to reload, scroll to the field again and drag it further left.
- While dragging it “past the left”, the result set must scroll to the right until you get to the preferred fields and then drop the column