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Version 9.1.73 (11 March 2024)

People Management

Change name of Training Records tab (#112350)

Name has been changed from Learner Records to Learning Records.


Changes to the Profile Banner (#110509, #110908, #110509)

Removed the Work Telephone Number from the Contact Details section; removed the Group date from the Appointment Info section and removed the Created date from the Additional Info section.


A correct selector to load the training and development first menu (#112886)

When clicking on the Training and Development menu, the Learning Records are loaded as the first menu item.



Performance Management

Implement a slider on the Overall Summary for more than 5 items (#104459)

Business Rules:

  • There should be 5 items (incl Overall Final Score) on the screen at all times
  • When the Review Periods + Review Surveys are more than 4, then a scroll is added
  • There is also a "legend" to show which items are on the screen
  • Always land on the current active period as the first item in the scroll, when opening the page
  • This is for both Employee and Manager views
