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Version 9.1.76 (25 March 2024)

Tenant Management 

Display the correct expiry date (#112411)


  • It converted the data and time incorrectly to the next day when displaying on the front-end, instead of keeping the date and time as it is.


  • Display the date and time correctly, as is, when displaying the expiry date of the subscription.

Performance Management

Unable to save the review survey weights (#110981)


  • Cannot add a Review Survey, stating that the maximum score cannot be zero. Problem was that the score input was incorrectly hidden if you first open and close an existing review item.


  • Ensured that the score input is displayed correctly when adding a new Review Survey. Also added validation to the score input to not allow anything less than 1 to be entered.

Value Survey modal open inside overall Summary (#113440)


  • With the recent slider control introduced on the PM dashboard the Value Survey score modal was getting cropped into the slider parent container and no longer showing centered and on top of the overlay.


  • Moved the Modal out of the Slider (similar to where the delete modals are located).
  • It then generates a Review survey modal for each of the review survey items.
  • Moved all the relevant state and actions out of the ReviewSurveyScoreModal component to the ManagerAccordion component where appropriate.
  • Also fixed an issue where after the update the order of users changed on the Overall Summary, by first sorting the userContract array before mapping to the components.

System Access

Changed handling of unauthenticated when the refresh token for the session is no longer valid (#112810)


  • When the refresh token period has expired for a user access token the user receives an unauthenticated error throughout the system that is not handled.


  • Changed hardcoding in identity to enable the expiry period to change in the app settings
  • Add redirect in the error controller to the error controller to the login page
  • Add redirect in the SPA controller when the session does not exist or the user is not authenticated
  • When possible the user will be redirected back to the page where they left off.
  • Add login/logout to WebMVC config to go to the logout method to redirect the application to the correct login screen.
  • The defaults for the tokens now are:
    • Access Token 1 hour, the access token ends and must be renewed
    • Refresh Token 5 hours, meaning the access token can be renewed up to 5 times if the user still has a valid login and is allowed to log in
  • Once the refresh token period has passed the user will be redirected to the login page to log in again.